FocusPMP Practice Management Program with LAN Facility for

Dentists, Physicians, Family Physicians, Gynaecologists, Ophthalmologists, General Surgeons, ENT Surgeons, Orthopaedic Surgeons

FocusPMP covers everything from medical to administrative management.  Besides keeping record of patient’s History, Findings, Diagnosis& Treatment Plan, it also helps in working out Estimates, Payments, Correspondence and Accounts.

Maintaining record of Patients individually as well as for the ‘Family’.

Diagnosis and Sittings can be entered in ‘your way’ of keeping records. 

Appointment Scheduler can be made for every individual doctor working in your Clinic.
  • Multiple appointments at same timing
  • Detailed and Daily Schedulers
  • Blocking of Appointment Slots
  • Separate viewing of Morning and Evening Session
  • List of all appointments of a day
  • List of all appointments of particular Patient
  • Scheduling Recall
  • Moving and copying appointments
  • View removed appointments
  • Open case paper from scheduler
Maintains addresses and other records for your personal and social activities

Prescriptions and Instructions are recorded date-wise
You can create masters to store routinely required Instructions and Prescription
Before and after treatment Instructions as well as instructions for taking medicines.  
Personal Accounting
  • Facilitates maintenance of accounts even during your busy schedule as desired by your Tax Consultant
  • Reports of ‘Professional Income’ as required under Income Tax Act
  • Printing of Cash-Book, Bank-Book, Ledger, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss Account, at any given moment, on your own 
Bills and Receipts

You can give the receipt of the payment to the patient as you receive the amount OR by issuing the ‘Bill’ and receiving payment against the Bill
Bills can be generated with the help of ‘Bill Master’ or through ‘Rate Cards designed by you for Companies, whose employees you treat.
You can generate Bill in the name of Patient or Company.
Advance payment facility and adjusting bill amount from Advance.
Stock Inventory:  Purchase Details, Stock Details, Manual Stock Update

Other Features include, designing of ‘Consent forms’, Reminders, SOS (Emergency Telephones), etc.

Indoor Admission (for smal Nursing Homes)
  • Create Wards, Bed Types and Beds
  • Today’s Admission, Patient Status Report, Admission Register
  • Appointment For Operation, Operation Notes and Operation Register
  • Discharge Notes, Discharge Card, Discharge Register
  • Separate Register for every Operative Procedure
  • Treatment Notes for day to day record of treatment given while patient is admitted
  • Indoor Services Billing, Payment etc.